The CIA Exposed
By Mark Carter
Have you ever heard of the Jewish Mafia? of course you haven't because today they are called the CIA. The pictures below will reinforce this simple fact. The photograph below shows the notorious Italian Mobster Sam Giancana walking into a courtroom in Chicago in 1965 where he is scheduled to appear before a Grand Jury looking into his Mob activities. The arrow points to George Bush Sr. walking in behind him acting as his lawyer. This single photograph proves that George Bush and the CIA killed JFK in Dallas. What the Grand jury was going to ask Giancana was have you ever been connected to the CIA and Bush acting as his lawyer obviously told him to take the 5th.
When Kennedy was President two years earlier he was being told by the CIA that they were going to send Giancana down to Cuba and kill Fidel Castro. They were going to set up a meeting with Giancana and Castro because Italian mobsters had gambling casinos in Cuba and then Giancana was going to poison his food. After Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA in Dallas Giancana knew that the CIA had killed JFK.
13 years later in 1978 when Sam Giancana was scheduled to appear before the HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations) to testify about what he knew about the JFK assassination he was shot to death a week before he was scheduled to testify. It is obvious that he was killed by the CIA. George Bush Sr. was running the CIA in 1978.

The photograph below shows a side by side comparison of Bush in 1965 and at the White House in the 1980s When Bush was Vice President. Reagan was a real Conservative who was an enemy of the CIA. The CIA is a Communist Jewish anti American organization. John Hinkley who shot Reagan was a CIA agent and his father John Hinkley Sr used to work for Bush Sr at the CIA. Hinkley Sr used to run the World Vision program at the CIA when Bush was the director of the CIA in 1978.

When JFK was President he had fired the top leaders of the CIA including Allen Dulles. He found out from J Edgar Hoover of the FBI that the CIA was a Communist organization The photograph below was taken only about 10 minutes after JFK was assassinated in Dealey Plaza. It shows George Bush at the far left and it also shows Colin Powell dressed in a Dallas Police Uniform. So why was Colin Powell behind killing Kennedy? Colin Powell grew up in New York City in a Jewish neighborhood. He used to wear the skull cap and go to their Bar Mitzvahs. He is a Black man that was adopted by the Jews. So the importance of this photograph is that Bush Sr is directly behind the JFK assassination and then two years later in the photo above he is seen covering up the assassination.
The photograph to the left is of Marilyn Monroe and her lover Frank Sinatra. Both Sinatra and Sam Giancana co owned a gambling joint on the shore of Lake Tahoe called the Cal Neva Club. When Marilyn Monroe was staying at Giancana's home she overheard Giancana on the phone talking about killing JFK. When Marilyn returned to her home in Hollywood she called Robert Kennedy over to her house and told him what she had heard. Then when RFK had returned to Washington he told the President John Kennedy that the mafia had a plan to kill him. John Kennedy's reaction was 'if they get me, they get me'. This story was also authenticated by Sam Giancana's daughter Sandy Gianacana who was saying that while she was staying at her fathers house she also him saying that JFK was going to be killed by the Mafia.
So after JFK was assassinated. How was Bobby Kennedy supposed to believe that a lone gunman named Oswald killed JFK in Dallas. A short while later Marilyn was murdered by the Jewish Mafia in Hollywood. The link provided opens up with a photograph of Ralph Greenson who murdered her

As strange as this may seem to most Americans the truth is that Colin Powell was never in the U.S. Military. During the Viet Nam War the CIA were torturing U.S. servicemen in POW prison camps and were growing opium across the border in Laos and Cambodia for shipment into the United States in the form of heroin. George Bush Sr. was flying planes filled with opium to France where it was turned into heroin. His nickname was "Poppy". Colin Powell completely lied to Congress when he told them that he had no knowledge about the CIA torturing Arabs down in Guantanamo. This photograph clearly shows that Powell was working for the CIA back in 1963. Another CIA agent Jew is Nancy Pelosi and she isn't even an Italian. She is from an ex Nazi family from Argentina. They came here during 'Operation Paperclip' a CIA operation. The Nazi's were Jews not Jew haters. The word Nazi came from the word Ashkenazi who were a group of Jews living in eastern Europe. After World War Two they escaped down to Argentina. Adolf Hitler never died in a bunker in Germany like the world news services claimed.
One of the big secrets in America is that the CIA is a Jewish organization. All of the Govt. conspiracy people that have websites don't even know this. This list the 'swindlers list' is a list of all of the Jewish organizations that operate under different names; Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Progressives, illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones society, New World Order, Bohemian Grove and Liberals. No wonder people are so confused. All of these entities are the same thing JEWS. In Russia they are called Bolsheviks, Germany they are called Nazi's in South Africa they are called Apartheid and in Mexico they are called Zetas'
For instance George Bush and his father both used to attend the Skull and Bones society at Yale and they both used to go to the Bohemian Grove along with Colin Powell. Pelosi, Bush and Powell all work for the CIA.
What Lee Harvey Oswald was really doing in Dallas is he was working in the U2 spy plane program that was run by the CIA. He was working for a photographic firm Jaggers Chiles and Stovall. In the back room he was developing aerial photographs taken by the U2 spy plane. The owner of the company Stovall was a CIA agent working on the Dallas Police Dept. as detective Stovall. So here is yet another CIA agent working as a Cop in Dallas. The Jewish Mafia used this same technique during the Saint Valentines day Massacre and then a month later some gangsters from Detroit killed Jewish mobsters in Detroit the home turf of the Jewish Mafia. So these Jewish mob guys found out that these gangsters were hiding in Chicago in Al Capone's territory. The Jewish mobsters followed them to Chicago and bought police uniforms and were pretending to be arresting them posing as Cops. They then had them put their hands up against the wall and then opened fire on them killing all of them. Since this massacre happened in Chicago it has always been blamed on Capone when in reality he had nothing to do with it.
Hollywood Vampireville
Mickey Cohen was the leading Jewish Mobster in Hollywood. He was under investigation by Robert Kennedy during the Kefauver investigations and result of that Investigation landed Cohen in prison in 1951. A short while earlier ten Communist Jews operating under the name "Liberals" were put in prison by both Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney who were both FBI informants.
Walt Disney was a sheer genius. He invented animation (cartoons). He was J.Edgar Hoovers eyes and ears in Hollywood for twenty five years. Disney lived at 3301 Waverly Dr. in LA . While Disney was spying on the Jewish Mafia in Hollywood little did he know that the Jewish Mafia had moved into the house next door at 3267 Waverly Dr, and were spying on him. Many murders were created out of that house next door including his own.
Kurt Douglas was a full blooded Jew who was best friends with Mickey Cohen, they used to live near each other in Palm Springs. Kirk Douglas used to take his son Michael to Whorehouses when he was only 13 years old. So by understanding this relationship between Douglas and Cohen you can solve many of the murders of Hollywood like the Black Dahlia murder, Jean Spangler and Sharon Tate. It also explains why a Jewish mobster Michael Eisner today owns Disney and ABC and why all of these Illuminati Kids came out of Disney. (Jonas bros. Britney Spears, Ariana Grande.

To the left is a photograph from the Black Dahlia murder scene. By understanding The hegemony that the Jewish Mafia had over these young girls who were going out to Hollywood to become movie stars you will be able to solve some of these ancient murders. The evidence in the Black Dahlia murder case shows that she was murdered at a Jewish Kosher meat packing plant not far from where the body was dumped. When Cattle are slaughtered they are drained of their blood and cut into Ribs , T bone steaks and tri tips on a giant band saw. The autopsy shows that The Black Dahlia was drained of her blood and cut in half in a slaughterhouse. Her face was slashed from ear to ear and her tongue was cut out of her mouth which was the Jewish Mafia's way of saying "Don't Talk" The Black Dahlia's real name was Elizabeth 'Short' meaning she got short. This murder also sent a message to people in the film industry which was "keep quiet about the Jewish mob or you will end up like her".
Kirk Douglas once said that the same person that killed the Black Dahlia was also behind the disappearance of Jean Spangler. The evidence shows that Kirk Douglas was directly involved and Mickey Cohen was behind her murder. Jean Spangler was an extra in a movie in which Kirk Douglas was the star. Jean Spangler was having a baby probably from Kirk Douglas and was seeking to have an abortion which was illegal at the time. After her disappearance her purse was found in Griffith Park with a note in it that said ; Kirk cant wait any longer going to see Dr. Scott 'it will work best this way while mother is away. The Jewish Mafia house at 3267 Waverly Dr. is located on the border of Griffith Park. Walt Disney lived next door. Michael Douglas one said that as a boy he used to go to Walt Disney's house and play on the toy train that Walt Disney had installed in the back yard.
Jean Spangler's ex husband was now married to Lynn Lasky and her former husband Ely Lasky was an associate of Mickey Cohen and Jean Spangler was at the time dating Davy Ogul who was also a close associate of Mickey Cohen. Davy Ogul was scheduled to testify in court against Mickey Cohen when both Ogul and Spangler had disappeared. It is very possible that Eli Lasky was actually Meyer Lansky or related to him. Meyer Lansky was the top Jewish mobster on the west coast. What is strange about the Black Dahlia murder is the fact that two days after the Black Dahlia murder took place another connected murder happened in where a girl was stomped to death and Fuck you BD was written on her stomach. The initials obviously stand for Black Dahlia. Many of these girls worked in extras in the same movies. What is funny about these murders is that they happened around 1947. Notorious Jewish Mobster Bugsy Siegel was also murdered in June of 1947. What happened in 1947 ? This is the year when the Jewish Mafia became the CIA

As we move into the 1960s it is obvious that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the Jewish Mafia/CIA because she ratted out Mobsters to one of the top Mafia investigators in the form of Robert Kennedy. The house at 3267 Waverly Dr. also plays an intricate role in a new series of murders. The Manson Family , The Rat Pack ( Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. ) are basically all infused into one. Also Kirk Douglas is the unseen figure in both the Manson Family and the Rat pack. In the series of pictures above from left to right are of Frank Sinatra with Kirk Douglas, Kirk Douglas with Sharon Tate and Kirk Douglas with Sammy Davis Jr. The Manson family was into the Illuminati and the Occult and so was Sammy Davis Jr. who is seen in the last photograph with Anton La Vey of the Church of Satan. Anton La Vey is showing the Horn sign which is Illuminati or Kabala (Jewish). The horn sign is a symbol of the Jews. Jacob blew his Rams horn and the Walls of Jericho came tumbling down.
For some strange unapparent reason another enemy of the Jews in Hollywood Leno La Bianca moved into the house that Walt Disney used to live in and the Manson Family Charles Manson ,Tex Watson, Squeaky Fromm ect. Used to frequent the Jewish spy house next door at 3267 Waverly Dr. In my book that I wrote back in 2006 about the Kennedy assassinations it shows how this Leno La Bianca through matching photos like the ones above was actually working with LBJ back in Texas. So it is very likely that La Bianca maybe ripped off LBJ back in Texas and Johnson sent Tex Watson out to California to kill La Bianca but this still doesn't explain why he ended up living in the same house that Walt Disney used to live In. Tex Watson most definitely was behind the La Bianca murders not Manson.
Another strange coincidence connects La Bianca with the Robert Kennedy assassination which comes from the book Helter Skelter written by Bugliosi who prosecuted Manson. In the book Bugliosi says that La Bianca used to park his expensive speed boat right next to where the Jewish Mafia used to park their speed boats at the Del Mar Hose racing track near San Diego. A young workout boy named Sirhan Sirhan who was the future patsy for the RFK assassination used to warm up horses for the Jockeys at the track. Sirhan was very short not even five feet tall. His dream was to become a Jockey himself some day. Plus Sirhan was a Palestinian an enemy of the Jews in Israel. So since the Jews were behind the Robert Kennedy assassination why not blame the whole thing on a Palestinian. Plus Mickey Cohen who Robert Kennedy sent to prison was in charge of the illegal horse race betting in LA. Even more revealing is the fact that Sirhan went through the MK Ultra brainwashing program which was run by the CIA.
Manson was being groomed within the prison system at Terminal Island by a Jewish Gangster named Alvin 'creepy' Karpis for one of their future operations. In this case the RFK assassination. Manson claims that Karpis first told him about the CIA and how things work. Manson also claims in his own book ' In my own words' that he had a male lover at Universal Studios that was a very famous actor but Manson doesn't reveal his identity. I know who that famous person really was. It was Kurt Douglas. Douglas made the movie Spartacus at Universal Studios. Kurt Douglas was the person in the Manson Family that nobody has ever seen before. Some people are now suggesting that maybe Sharon Tate didn't really die that the whole Manson Family were 'Crisis actors' like the ones that we have today at Sandy Hook or the fake shootings in Orlando. A false flag operation because they were actors in real life. That maybe possible but I don't think so because Sharon Tate was with Robert Kennedy the night that he died and she knew that Sirhan Sirhan wasn't the guy that killed Robert Kennedy. The truth is that when you know secrets like that you have to be killed.
The night that RFK was killed he was having dinner at John Frankenheimers house in Malibu with both Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski. John Frankenheimer worked for the CIA during the Korean War. He was the one that drove RFK to the Ambassador Hotel in his Rolls Royce where he was assassinated. Frankenheimer was a film director just like Polanski. Back in 1961 Frankenheimer directed the black and white movie The Manchurian Candidate. The movie is about a brainwashed assassin that kills the President. This movie is about the Kennedy assassination but was made two years before it actually took place.

To the left is our new Jew in charge Donald Trump flashing the same 'Horn' sign as Anton LaVey above. Years ago I used to live next door to a Jew named Scott. When I went over to his house he had a Rams Horn mounted on a stand on top of his TV set and I asked him "what is that" and he replied that is a Rams Horn the symbol of the Jewish People. That is a Rams head with two horns pointing out from both sides. What this means is that Jews run both parties. It also means that their is no Democracy in America.
One of the Conspiracy theories that nobody in the country has ever heard about even the Govt conspiracy people is the fact that the United States is 100% bankrupt. Right after JFK was killed in 1964 all of America's Gold that was in Fort Knox was stolen and moved over to Israel. The Jews actually made a movie called Goldfinger. which was filmed on location in Ft Knox. This was a true story.